Showing posts with label Battle Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle Report. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 August 2011


This battle report highlights why you never need to upgrade your valkryie to have a lascannon.

I used the army list my 1000 point VDV Russian airborne force will be.

Yes, This.
I got to trial out the new Idea for the valkryie veteran squad too.

Time is short but i'll give you chaps and lass(s)? a quick battle report. Forgot my canon, pics from Iphone.

Opponent takes first turn: my 4 chimeras deploy.

We both move up the table. the enemies armour and basilisk stun two of my tanks.

A scout sentinel attacks! Luckily it failed.

sentinel comes-a-huntin.

A leman russ stuns my chimera. I decide to dismount the melta squad.

The squad runs to cover

The sole survivor of my chimeras heavy flamer and squads guns lobs a demo charge. Boom!

Just in time for the hellhound to incinerate then gun down the survivors!

The basilisk which destroyed my vendetta (which arrived on turn 4) gets popped by a multilaser shot from my outflanking valkryie.

At the same time the Squad armed with 2x plasma and a flamer and carapace armour annihilates the enemy HQ squad.

The surviving chimera (the other is immobilised and 2 destroyed) pops smoke. in the next turn Marbo appears and fails to detonate my tank. he then dies by melta.


The chimera wounded a missile launcher team (multilaser again) and the rest fled. My valk squad remounts and later tries to kill the guard squad. It fails this time due to good saves. A lone surivor of another chimera squad tries to flame the ratlings but fails. Previously he scared them away.

SO to sum it up: (My opponent had a handicap due to not having a proper army and not having played for a while so I lent him additional points worth of troops not used by me) 6 kill points to 6.

If I can remember correctly I killed Marbo, a command squad, a leman russ, a basilisk, a missile launcher team and a sentinel
My opponent killed a guard squad or two , 2 chimeras, a vendetta, and something else.

It was an awesome game, and I was getting thrashed first half of the game, and then my valkryie and spec ops squad killed 3 kill points for me, saving my force from defeat.
I blame the poor start on...sheer enemy fire-power? And my reserves didn't come till turn 3 and 4. Which I guess is normal, but the enemy had most of his force on the table.
I guess my army doesn't have many targets and men to withstand a beating.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Battle testing, Mil-Mi 24 Test colour scheme.

Midgame. SO many things exploded.
Had a couple of battles. I have now tested my 1000pt VDV army list.

It seems to perform well. I have no problem killing tanks at least, the army having a vendetta and 9X Melta guns. 

I played a non conventional game: My 1000pt IG army, Vs another 1000pt IG force which included a leman russ, 2x valkryies, a chimera, stormtroopers with lord commissar and veterans.
There was another force with 2 Leman Russes, a rhino, and 11 space marines Including a captain. (these belonged to a new player, who was defending an objective worth 3 Vps, and the 2 other objectives were only one each.

 I managed to kill all the Imperial Guard armour as well as the space marine russes. (the Hind valkryie killed a leman russ via multilaser shots to the rear armour! :D (I had a lot of good luck though)
There were two survivors by the end of the game: A lone space marine and a wounded Lord Commissar. I had an immobilised vendetta contesting the IG players objective, my valkryie was contesting the Space marines 3pt value one and my chimera full of meltavets was on my objective. Unfortunately the commissar ran 6" and contested the one I held. Draw! GG too.

However I need a bit of fine tuning. The vet unit riding in the valkryie has this:

Plasma gun, Flamer, Autocannon, Forward Sentries
Their role is to either deploy on an objective on foot, while the rest of my force moves forward. But I'm not sure this is wise, as they''ll get smashed in assault. I think since my valk usually outflanks they should ride in it almost always, as mobile objective takers. 
might scrap the auto cannon and forward sentries and arm them with 2x plasma and a flamer.

so Plasma gun x2, carapace armour, flamer for 135pts. I figure they'll be able to attack the rear armour of tanks due to their mobility, they could kill some MEQ or hard units, flame weak ones, and maybe the carapace armour will be help them survive to contest or take an objective once they deploy. 
Below are pics of another battle. 
Hind test paintjob...Going to undercoat it green I think.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

BMD-1 Chimera masking test + 2nd Tournament battle report

Okay, I went with Tallarn's advice. I watered down the catachan green and applied in around 5-6 coats. I'm beginning to suspect the paint I'm using is a bad one (that's a lot of coats) It actually doesn't look that bad though, or is too thick. However as you can see in the picture, the paint has built up at the edges of the masking blu-tack.
I have also found out I don't like the colours I used very much. Well, the green is fine, but the tamiya wooden decking colour spray makes the vehicle look painted for the middle east. I want a more dreary colour scheme with more green.
I'm going to experiment some more before I buy an airbrush, which I can't afford anyway.
I shall buy two different colour tamiya sprays and mask as I have done for this. I'm going to spray the BMD in green first however, to get a more temperate emphasis.

For the Battle report:
I used 
750 Point Army
Company Command Squad-
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2

Platoon Command Squad
Power Sword, 2x Grenade Launcher

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad
Flamer, Chimera ML/HF/HS

Infantry squad
Flamer, Chimera ML/HB/HS

Veteran Squad
Meltagun x2, flamer, Chimera ML/HF

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher, Lascannon, Heavy Stubber
Total= 754

My allied steel legion army had Infantry squads, a chimera, some melta vets and a leman russ.
The space wolves had a 6 strong bike squad, a big marine squad with some psycher, a land speeder with multi melta and another marine squad. Yep, I know nothing of my enemy.
The necrons had 2x 11 man warriors, 5 destroyers and a destroyer lord.

I don't have time for an in depth one, but myself and a friend who plays IG versed a space wolf army and a Necron one.
It was dawn of war, and there were three objectives to capture.
We went first, and I thought If we deployed as one the enemy would be destroyed from concentrated fire, if they attacked piecemeal.

Deployment: apologies for the mess and the lack of good board. Also for the rushed photos...but wasn't much time..
 One objective is in the building the necrons are hiding behind, the other is right above it behind those sand bags. Our objective is in the midst of our lines.
turn one: chimeras and demolisher move on.

I have a melta vet chimera in reserve

Only scary unit for me were those destroyers, who have the ability to easily make my tanks useless

A full steel legion army (from different regions though, my ally has opted to make his tanks camo'd like his men, and i did the reverse)

Demolisher sights a multi-melta landspeeder...

And the lascannon finishes it! (on the ruin, after surviving a lot of multi-laser shots)
 Note my demolisher's position: the destroyers immobilised the chimera in front of it, slowing it down. I did the same mistake versing my ally another game. Never again will I make tank columns! 
I used the platoon command squad as bait to the enemy. it sortof worked...
Finally out advance gains momentum after being hesitant. The demolisher moves 8" to kill the destroyers.

It only killed 1.
 Turn 3??  The destroyer Lord finally becomes usefull, and buys some time for the space marines.
Space marines advance, lord keeps killing. A squad of mine regroups just at the table edge, but the lord breaks my HQ who flee the battle.
 One of the space wolf squads kills a few of my allies troops and his chimera. The wolf bikers do similar. Both die to massed fire-power from allies russ and our infantry squads.
Tanks advance with allied Infantry, demolisher owns 7/11 warriors.

This autocannon team were men of the match: they distracted the enemy (I don't know why, but they killed a rhino first turn, and several marines and necrons) considerably, and managed to survive incredible amounts of firepower, their infantry squad dying. They died 5th turn.

The surviving cron warriors walk up the demolisher and in cold (blood?) destroy its cannon. Marines keep advancing, but never did anything.

The game ended on turn 5 with a draw. It was sad, because With one more turn we possibly would have won (having two objectives and contesting another)

What did I learn?

1. Don't form tank columns. 
2. Be Swifter with chimeras, and don't forget to contest ASAP.
3. Demolishers (and autocannons?) scare the fuck out of people.
4. Keeping imperial guard units supporting each other make the enemy scared due to the possible firepower they can let loose.
5. Don't attack Imperial guard Piecemeal.
6. It helps when all the enemy has for anti tank is meltabombs, a single landspeeder, a destroyer lord and some destroyers.
7. I love smoke launchers (already did though :)
8. Tanks go first, then Infantry. It was a bitch to have to relocate men because the tanks were behind them.

Had a great game, and my ally and opponents did well.
Next game in a fortnight is 1000pts for each person :P

Monday 11 April 2011

First Tournament Match: 500pts

Soviet armour is sexy...I'm going to convert some...

2v2 500pt battle. Everything went better than expected...

I ran:
Hq with plasma, 
platoon hq with 2x grenade launchers
and in 3 Chimeras: 
Flamer infantry squad x2, and melta vets.

My Eldar Allies ran:
Yriel with 10 stormguardians
9 dire avengers with exarch
Fire Prism

Enemy Guard ran:
Basic HQ
Basic un-upgraded Infantry platoon x2
Armoured fist squad
Leman Russ with heavy bolter sponsons and lascannon

Enemy Orks ran:
Mek with shock attack gun in a grot artillery unit with 3x cannons
20 boyz
A helicopter thing with TL rockkits
2 Killer Kans

We deployed in table quarters. we had first turn in a sieze ground mission. 
turn 2- just moving forward as quick as possible.

Chimeras moved up 12" turn 2, the important melta vet one behind.

And popped smoke to be extra safe

Other chimera moves up towards ork forces. The Boyz flank, heading for the objective (blue thing on the fan)

The Fire Prism kills 6 or so guardsmen, and in another turn destroys the enemy chimera. The guardsmen bail out and head for the objective to the west.

In turn 3 the enemy killer kan kills a chimera. I actually shot its friend kan with an explosion that killed some guard, with a multilaser from the chimera closet to camera. The enemy russ kills the fire prism :(

The melta vets immobilise and stun the russ 2 turns in a row

eldar move up, orks now hold an objective. My other chimera moves another 12" to try distract the enemy and not be killed in combat, then pops smoke

It didn't work, because the cannons immobilised it, so the kan hit automatically in combat

these troopers are absolute legends: making all their armour saves in two turns after getting hurt from the exploding chimera. In the background, the melta vets disembarked their chimera, so they could use krak if melta failed. the chimera goes off to flush the enemy guard off an objective. The melta guns fail but a krak grenade destroys the demolisher as predicted! :)

They shoot up a grot gunner (those grey things are artillery)

I (heavy) flamed a platoon command squad and a regular squad last turn. the command squad fled, and I tank shocked these survivors of the line squad, and they fled the table :)

My legends in the middle of this photo survive 3 cannon shots (missed) and many las shots. They then flame and shoot up several guardsmen. The killer kan charges my veterans who killed the demolisher, and two survive.

My eldar allies join the fray, and my krak armed trooper destroys the kans dreadnought's weapon. Yriel gets a one and a 2 to hurt the can :(

More fighting against the kan. we win, thanks to yriel. The dire avengers charge the Orks after shooting them a bit. They lose combat and run :/
 So, my platoon command squad, who did nothing all game, capture one objective up our table end. Our victories veteran and Eldar storm guardians capture the objective in the sandbags in the centre of the table. The flanking Orks capture the objective to the side after defending it from the Avengers. The guard infantry platoon and the grots who hung at the back capture the objective in their DLZ.

So what did I learn? 
Getting up in your enemies face is very good. Most of the battle was up near the enemy table edge. If my Eldar comrade had some faster troops I think perhaps me might have broken the enemies back. But I'm not sure. If I had another heavy flamer on my chimera that was near the orks who flanked, I could have softened them up enough for the Avengers to finish them. But instead I send that squad up to annoy the enemy, and Distract them. With good luck, even with the destroyed chimera, the men survived amazingly for two more turns and they even threatened the platoon sitting on an objective!

One of my opponents said that the Russ held took a lot of attention from their troops. It's true. I spent three turns with my melta vets shooting and fighting it. If I killed it in 2 turns, I would have secured another objective for us (the one the chimera opened up) so perhaps I need to find another 10 points for 3x meltas for that squad. But If I didn't kill the Russ, I hate to think what it would have done to us, so i didn't really have an option.

I think heavy flamers are great now. I have one I'll add to my chimera with the heavy bolter :)

For the 2nd battle (only had time for 3 turns) i fought a small space wolves army.

I moved up my chimeras, and in 2nd turn shot the space marines up. They failed many saves. It was more or less a repeat of my last match against marines. They don't have enough men to stand up to my force at 500pts. If we played for another turn I would have won, so my opponent granted me moral victory.

They had some dude with a harsh wind that killed some people, and a squad killed a chimera with krak. I killed all but one of the other squad with 2x chimeras and men, and the squad that killed my chimera lost a few men to plasma and melta guns.

Monday 28 March 2011

500 pt battle reports. (Tournament warmup)

"Enemy armour inbound!"

Hello random viewers! Managed to get two battles in this evening. good. pretty, preatay, pretayyy good.

I feel  a bit guilty playing warhammer every-week, but not going out clubbing. But you need a job and money to do that anyway :/ time for one I think...
First battle, was 500 points team battle. Me and grey knights vs. Tyranids and SOB. heaps allies. The draw mission.

I played defensively again. thought this time I only had 2 chimeras.
The tyranids and sobs rushed straight for me, who was holding the objective. Ravenars decimated my army, as did sisters of battle bolters and flamers. both chimeras died.
At one stage I had the chance to shoot their repressor with my vets in chimera and got two hits with meltas at long range, but I rolled 1,s to penetrate. The game could have gone quite different actually, if they succeded. But they failed and they died the next turn.

On the left flank, A squad of Grey Knight terminators and a squad of normal grey nights with an extremely dangerous and resilient Inquisitor, advanced. The terminators all died in one turn of combat to a warrior brood, with bone swords or something. which was most of his army :/ I was really impressed with the warriors actually. Because we all know how death the grey knights would have been.
Regardless of the losses, the grey knights continued to advance and kill everything in there path. But they took a heavy toll, and only the inquisitor was left contesting the enemy objective.

On my half of the table, the sisters finished me off. At one point, If the game had ended I would have won us the game, with my veterans running to the objective from their wrecked chimera. But it went on for turn 7 and I was wiped.
Sorry for the blurry pics. I am still learning how to use my camera. I had the aperture value set at around 7 to try and get lots into focus, but I need to research how to do that correctly.

Here are the pics, in a chronological order. CBF to assign them to turns. I have uni work to do!

Gone to ground!

Sorry, somehow the grey knights walked onto my army list :/

If only I killed their tank...

Flame the raveners! Meanwhile my troops hang back.

Yep lads. We dead...

They start dying

Go grey knights! kill em all!

Ravener clawing away.

Pretty much my whole army now.

what do?

Krak attempt.

Tank is now stunned.

Tank is now dead. but the vets come out, and advance. (the tyranids were distracted my the death inquisitor to the north)

Never got to fire his pistol. no wait he killed a sister before! anyway, they shot him up real good.

My sneaky vets take the objective!

But the game went on and the sisters charge in...

The model under the venom cannon is the inquisitor. She kills many, but bites the dust. GG!

Now, for game II.
All the enemy had was a terminator squad with Belial, and a 5 man space marine squad. I had a lot more, and dropped a squad with a flamer (last game they did nothing) and gave another flamer squad a chimera. 3 at 500pts is pretty nice, for me.
But not for the dark anngels!

Chimera was shaken, so melta vets disembark and fire.

the plasma gunner to the left in my HQ was fantastic this game. Killed 2 termies and belial.

This game was unfair really. The guy I crushed had an anti MEQ army. The game before, he helped stomp a Necron force. (the one I 'beat' last week)
I think having transports for guardsmen is really important. It gives them that much extra protection and mobility. But even more than that, it gives you a psychological advantage. Because I felt that I could move my tanks around in front of enemy fire, and not get scathed. Which was what happened mostly. Foot infantry, I felt scared to advance, as I know they are very vulnerable. 
At 500pts the enemy exclaimed that 3 tanks are pretty scary too.
For my 750 pt army for the tournament, I will duplicate this army, but add a demolisher, for all round power.

No apologies for the crappy grammar and punctuation this week. I have a house to (re)design!
