Showing posts with label Warhammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warhammer. Show all posts

Friday 1 April 2011

Scenery: Huge Factory/Manufactorum I made.

Did this a few years ago for HSC art major work. I profited greatly as I got great marks and a high(er than would have been done due to the fact I get marked on it) quality piece of scenery I always intended to use for battles. I can't get photos of my army with it in a mock battle, but I can perhaps in the mid semester holidays.
Made using: 
Foamcore, cornice cement (for rubble piles) sheet styrene, corrugated card, cardboard, broken computers, bitz, greenstuff and other random objects

Wednesday 30 March 2011

How to make camo netting. (for models: cheap, easy, effective)

Here be a picture of Old Bassy. I haven't used her for a while, and last game I did she let me down, killing 2 models only.

Anyway to make the camo netting this is what you do:

Items needed: Gauze bandage, synthetic lichen.

1. Cut out some gauze to fit your tank.
2. Heavily water down a green suitable to your battlefield in a ice cream container lid, or similar.
3. Dip a cut out strip of gauze in the paint.
4. Wait till dry, then glue onto tank with superglue. (or pva perhaps, but I used superglue. it leaves a bit of shine though, so use little)
5. Glue lichen onto netting. 
6. ??? glue on other foliage if you have any.
7. done.
I had my aperture value on camera 5.6. Any tips for getting nice long field of view? I have a canon g11 camera.
The only other tip I have is try and drape the netting as realistic as possible. I didn't do this here :/ This method is superior and more realistic than wire mesh or plastic mesh netting.

Next large scale game, I'll proxy this for my planned Assault Gun chimera conversion Medusa. It will have a nice low profile and bastion breachers, perfect for tank hunting :)

I want to get some Death Dorp ammo loaders to add to the back of this basilisk too.

ps: all my tanks used to have this netting applied, but I found it detracted from the awesome ash waste camo scheme. It looked fine here though.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Force Composition and Pictures

SO far, I have this as my army list:

8th Armageddon Steel Legionary Second Cohort   Total : 2000pts

Company Command Squad-
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Missile Launcher

Priest (Witch Hunters)
Carapace Armour, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun

Tech Priest Enginseer


Storm Trooper Squad
10 Storm Troopers, Plasma Pistol, Meltagun x2


Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Melta Bombs, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Commissar, Power Sword, Grenade Launcher, Krak Grenades

Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad
Flamer, Melta Bombs, Krak Grenades

Veteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, meltagun x2, Missile Launcher, Chimera, Forge World Autocannon (they are the same price as heavy bolters, I’ll ask opponents permission to use), Heavy Stubber, Extra Armour

Veteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, Heavy Bolter

Veteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, Missile Launcher, Chimera with: Heavy Stubber

Fast Attack             

Armoured Sentinel, Multilaser
Smoke Launchers, Hunter Killer Missile

Smoke Launchers, Dozer Blade

Vendetta gunship

 Heavy Support              

Leman Russ Demolisher
Heavy Stubber, lascannon

Leman Russ

A picture of this:

Army List:
Please tell me how I can improve it. I have collected for ages, but rarely play due to lack of opponents nearby. Note however, that I have not made my list to be very competitive, and pick things for aesthetics. For example I thought it would be cool for a Guard squad to have krak grenades and meltabombs to surprise people (if I ever get close to a tank)

I will get rid of the heavy weapons in the veterans and give them more melta and plasma or flamers, but steel legionnaires are annoying to convert and I have no money.

The light wasn't the best, but I wanted to put a few pics up. Generally when Painting, I love painting armour, and hate painting infantry. Infantry is just too damn fiddly. I paint only to a gaming standard and never do any of the parts of a model I paint take more than three colours/parts. It's a waste of time in my opinion, as I can get it to look good quickly (I quickly get bored of painting) so, with Infantry especially I paint quickly and simply.