Showing posts with label Space Marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Marines. Show all posts

Saturday 9 April 2011

Grey Knight and Iron Warrior terminators

I painted these with a friend a while ago. We decided to go for a more morbid colour scheme. Pretty goffik, I like. Can't take them as allies anymore though. Stupid new codex....

 I also collect Iron Warriors. here are two of my nearly complete terminators (one's a lord)
I had to cut his rear leg up to get his cloak to fit on the pose I chose. (lol)

He eats fools for breakfast...lookin' at you

The hand of a traitor, who attempted to become the leader of  a group of Iron Warriors...

I still think these are the finest models ever designed by GW.

don't know how to rotate on this :S

Captain Cortez of the Crimson Fists. First 40k Army I collected. sold all but him.
I took these photos with my Iphone 4. If you need a new camera for quick shots like these, and need a new phone...

Monday 14 March 2011

Right!! No more massacres!

Just played a game yo. I killed 4 space marines (and 2 indirectly from an exploding chimera) and lost all 754 points of my force.

It was an annihilation mission. I fought a small space marine army, composting of:
a scout squad with snipers
 veterans of some kind with strength 6 power swords with Pedro Kantor (in Rhino)
A 5 man tactical squad in rhino with flamer
A 5 man tactical squad with Missile Launcher
A 5 man assault squad.

I fielded my 754 pt army posted in this blog earlier.
Basically, my command squad sat in a building overlooking everything. But so did the enemy, on the opposite side of the field. They shot my command squad up. All i did was stun a rhino with a rocket.

My platoon command and veteran squad and command squad were deployed, with myself going second.

Due to the experience of my first battle, and what someone suggested, I kept my three armoured fist squads in reserves. Which then arrived piecemeal and were swarmed by his army.
Unfortunately the scenery wasn't very pretty.

                                                         One chimera went boom!
And another...
And another...
And the veterans kill the 3 marines that survived the first chimera blast. Then get raped.

Tl;dr, don't put your army in reserve, to be easily swarmed by the enemy as they arrive piecemeal. Also, don't leave your command squad in view of all the enemy, even if they have a great arc of fire.

A bit devo, because my army could completely have cause havoc, with the enemy lacking AT weapons aside from a missile launcher and krak grenades.

At least I have learnt!