Force Composition and Pictures
SO far, I have this as my army list:
Storm Trooper Squad
Fast Attack
A picture of this:
8th Armageddon Steel Legionary Second Cohort Total : 2000pts
Company Command Squad-
Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun x2, Missile Launcher
Priest (Witch Hunters)
Carapace Armour, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun
Tech Priest Enginseer
Storm Trooper Squad
10 Storm Troopers, Plasma Pistol, Meltagun x2
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
Melta Bombs, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Commissar, Power Sword, Grenade Launcher, Krak Grenades
Infantry Squad
Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
Flamer, Melta Bombs, Krak Grenades
Veteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, meltagun x2, Missile Launcher, Chimera, Forge World Autocannon (they are the same price as heavy bolters, I’ll ask opponents permission to use), Heavy Stubber, Extra Armour
Veteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, Heavy BolterVeteran Squad
Grenade Launcher, Missile Launcher, Chimera with: Heavy Stubber
Armoured Sentinel, Multilaser
Smoke Launchers, Hunter Killer Missile
Smoke Launchers, Dozer Blade
Vendetta gunship
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher
Heavy Stubber, lascannon
Leman Russ
A picture of this:
Army List:
Please tell me how I can improve it. I have collected for ages, but rarely play due to lack of opponents nearby. Note however, that I have not made my list to be very competitive, and pick things for aesthetics. For example I thought it would be cool for a Guard squad to have krak grenades and meltabombs to surprise people (if I ever get close to a tank)
I will get rid of the heavy weapons in the veterans and give them more melta and plasma or flamers, but steel legionnaires are annoying to convert and I have no money.
The light wasn't the best, but I wanted to put a few pics up. Generally when Painting, I love painting armour, and hate painting infantry. Infantry is just too damn fiddly. I paint only to a gaming standard and never do any of the parts of a model I paint take more than three colours/parts. It's a waste of time in my opinion, as I can get it to look good quickly (I quickly get bored of painting) so, with Infantry especially I paint quickly and simply.
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